Empowering Future Scientists

Under Armour is devoted to boosting athletes and advancing science through innovation.1 Guided by CEO Patrik Frisk, it focuses on five main areas to grow: putting customers first, creating high-quality products, effective marketing, planning from start to finish, and excellence across all sales channels.1 The heart of its strategy is being eco-friendly and using new materials and methods.1

The company sees the huge impact science has on our tomorrow. So, it’s investing heavily in top-notch labs, backing STEM education, and guiding the next gen of scientists and creators.1 Under Armour inspires young people to be curious and starts a culture that values new ideas and learning.

Key Takeaways

  • Under Armour’s commitment to empowering future scientists through STEM education programs and mentorship opportunities.
  • The company’s focus on sustainable business practices, including innovative materials and circularity solutions.
  • Patrik Frisk’s strategic vision for Under Armour’s growth, centered on consumer centricity, product engine, and omni-channel excellence.
  • Under Armour’s investment in state-of-the-art facilities to support scientific research and discovery.
  • The company’s dedication to nurturing scientific curiosity and inspiring the next generation of innovators.

Nurturing Scientific Curiosity from an Early Age

Under Armour values sparking scientific interest young.2 It’s been proven that being curious is vital for future scientists and citizens alike.2 So, no question is too big or small to stoke scientific curiosity.2 They use PebbleGo Curiosity Cards with 52 questions to ignite kids’ interest in exploring.2 These are available for K-2 through to 3-5th graders, designed to be safe and educational.

Fostering a Passion for Exploration

2 Doing experiments and observing directly are great for sparking interest.2 Common science activities are excellent for encouraging questions.2 Working together helps form a positive link with exploring and science.2 Letting kids pick which questions to look into can really boost their interest.2 Also, asking them lots of ‘what if?’ questions spurs on their curiosity.

Introducing Hands-On Learning Activities

2 Wonder can lead to an in-depth science project.2 Encouraging repeat experiments and noting observations hones scientific skills.2 Having kids write down their ideas in notebooks helps them learn more.2 When we answer questions with more questions, it strengthens their investigative skills.2 Using different sources to form ideas also boosts their scientific thought process.2 For those who want to learn more, PebbleGo’s “Read More” option offers extra materials.2 Both PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next provide safe educational content.

Empowering Future Scientists


Under Armour is really into helping future scientists. They do a lot to support STEM education. This helps students think critically and solve problems.3 They also give students the chance to learn from pros in the science world.

Promoting STEM Education Programs

They are all about making students better at science.3 Their programs help kids get better at solving tough problems and thinking in new ways. They show students the cool stuff science, technology, engineering, and math can do.

Providing Mentorship Opportunities

Under Armour knows how important it is to have someone to look up to.3 They team up students with pros that know a lot about science. This connects what students learn in class to real-life jobs in science.

empowering future scientists

Inspiring Young Minds with Real-World Applications

Under Armour is more than just a sports brand. It’s committed to inspiring kids about science outside the classroom. It shows them the newest scientific findings and how science shapes our lives every day.4 This way, Under Armour sparks an interest in science and helps young minds see its importance.

Showcasing Cutting-Edge Scientific Discoveries

Under Armour brings the latest science and tech to kids through fun experiences.4 These showcases grab their attention and get them thinking about careers in STEM.5 The goal is to encourage a new group of problem-solvers and creators.

Highlighting the Impact of Science on Daily Life

They make science easy to understand and show its impact on everyday life.4 Their programs explain how science has changed things like energy and health, and new tech.5 This gets kids excited about what science can do and its power to make life better.


Cultivating Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Under Armour is helping future scientists by boosting their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They do this by offering exciting hands-on learning chances67. The goal is to give kids the necessary tools to take on difficult problems and push science forward. They encourage teamwork7 to create a culture where inspiring innovation, promoting critical thinking, and fostering collaboration are key among young scientists.

Studies point out that students who learn by asking questions show 23% better critical thinking compared to old methods7. They find that joining in group talks boosts critical thinking by 17% over studying alone7.

Teaching through hands-on activities enhances problem-solving by 30% in science areas7. Using metacognitive methods in teaching can also improve how students check on their own work by 25%7. This helps them get better at solving problems too, leading to a rise in critical thinking skills7.

Under Armour’s main goal is to build a new wave of scientists and innovators ready for the future’s challenges. Their methods are vast, aiming to shape young minds for creative thinking, objective analysis, and problem solving. This way, they hope to see big steps in science and a positive change in society.

Cultivating critical thinking

Promoting Scientific Literacy and Communication

Under Armour knows the value of understanding science well. So, they work hard to help people get science better.8 They want everyone to grasp key scientific ideas. And they teach people how to talk about important science stuff too.9 This way, more folks can join in understanding big science stories.

Enhancing Science Comprehension

Under Armour is all about boosting how much we know about science.8 They want science to be easy to get and fun to learn. This gets us all more interested in science news and how it affects our lives.9 They spread science knowledge everywhere, not just in schools.

Developing Effective Science Communication Strategies

Connecting with people on science is another goal for Under Armour.8 They believe making complex science easy to understand is key. This helps involve the public and make smart choices.9 By working with science experts and the media, they bring science closer to everyone. This way, science’s amazing discoveries are for all to enjoy.


Fostering Collaboration and Teamwork in Science

Under Armour knows teamwork and collaboration are key. They bring experts from different fields together. This approach, known as interdisciplinary collaborations, helps solve tough problems.10 They are also big on promoting diversity and inclusivity in STEM. They want to make sure everybody’s talent is part of the scientific journey.11

Encouraging Interdisciplinary Collaborations

Under Armour boosts the sharing of ideas by encouraging interdisciplinary collaborations. It helps experts from various areas to join forces. Together, they can find new, innovative answers to big questions.10

Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity in STEM Fields

They are passionately working for more diversity in STEM. Understanding the low numbers of women and certain minorities in these fields is their start.11 To balance this, they offer11 scholarships and11 mentorship. This makes the science community more varied and welcoming.11

11Encouraging more people to join STEM means more diverse ideas. This is great for solving problems. Studies confirm that gender diversity helps with creativity and leads to better research results.11

fostering collaboration

With their focus on fostering collaboration and promoting diversity, Under Armour is making a big difference. They are preparing a new generation of scientists. Their work is important for the future of science, where everyone’s ideas are welcome.

Embracing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Science

Under Armour goes beyond normal lab work. It sees how vital new ideas and business risks are for science. It helps new science firms grow. This supports a culture that loves to be creative and brave in trying new things.12

Under Armour offers help to turn great ideas into real things. It gives resources, advice, and places to start. This way, it speeds up how fast science grows. It also helps the next leaders in science make a big impact.12


Majorly, Under Armour believes teamwork and new thinking are how we make big discoveries. It helps new science businesses and projects get going, which makes big wins in science possible. This gets everyone in science excited about solving problems together to make the world better.1213

Under Armour is a front runner in backing new science and business minds. It creates a place that loves creative ideas and taking risks, turning those into real science breakthroughs.1213

Investing in State-of-the-Art Scientific Facilities

Under Armour invests in top-notch research and learning spaces, showing its commitment to science. These high-tech places offer the latest gear. They help scientists, researchers, and students reach new heights in their work.14 By giving access to advanced tools, Under Armour helps spur big scientific leaps and encourages a culture of discovery.

Providing Access to Advanced Equipment and Resources

Under Armour backs the best research centers and schools, boosting scientific know-how.15 For example, Purdue University is improving its semiconductor research facilities with a $49 million investment. It’s also planning to spend $51 million more for an open innovation space, to be ready by August 2024.15 These modern labs, including the Scifres Nanofabrication Laboratory, provide top-notch equipment for in-depth scientific studies.

The Empire AI group, with members like Columbia and Cornell, is getting over $400 million.16 This money will power up artificial intelligence research. It prepares the ground for future thinkers and doers.16 Through these projects, Under Armour wants to kindle interest in stem education and boost innovation. They aim to foster a future where critical thinking and collaboration lead to new scientific marvels.

Addressing Ethical Considerations in Scientific Advancement

Under Armour promotes science but knows ethics are crucial too.17 ALLEA says we should spend time and effort to make sure our research is ethically sound.17 This means everyone involved in research needs to understand ethics.17 They should always learn and follow the latest ethics education.

17 Places like colleges and research centers should keep teaching ethics. They target students and workers in science to keep their practices ethical.17 The goal is to guide these organizations and their members to do ethical research.

Promoting Responsible Conduct of Research

17 Today, research in all fields is more global and complex than ever. This creates new ethical dilemmas.17 People in science now have many roles and thus many ethical duties.17 This includes ensuring their research is honest and respectful towards everyone it affects.

17 The idea of research integrity guides scientists to be ethical and follow certain standards.17 It also includes how scientists should interact with society and with each other in honest and fair ways.

Exploring the Societal Implications of Scientific Breakthroughs


18 The earth could be 3°C warmer by 2100, which is concerning.18 Human rights say we should all benefit from science.18 Harvard researchers found the fossil fuel industry backed research against climate change.

18 The UN agrees we should live in a clean, sustainable world.18 Experts show using human rights can lead to better environmental policies.18 They also warn against fake science that might mislead people.

18 Those protecting the environment need support to stay safe.18 Officials making environmental rules should not be influenced by businesses.18 It’s critical to give more money for studying climate change.

18 We must let all voices be heard in environmental decisions, not just the powerful’s.18 Teaching about the environment is key to making change.18 And, we must share green technology worldwide to ensure a safe planet for all.

Building a Supportive Community for Scientific Excellence

Under Armour is invested in supporting scientists of tomorrow. They aim to create a place where stem education shines, inspiring innovation is constant, promoting critical thinking is key, and fostering collaboration thrives. They offer chances for networking, sharing knowledge, and exchanging ideas among scientists, researchers, and enthusiasts.

Facilitating Networking and Knowledge-Sharing Opportunities

Under Armour hosts events and programs to connect people from different stem education and science areas. Here, they can share ideas, discover new research areas, and start teamwork on various projects.

Through these platforms, amazing collaborations happen. They help propel new discoveries and breakthroughs in science.


Recognizing and Celebrating Scientific Achievements

Also, Under Armour takes time to honor the work of scientists and innovators. They highlight their achievements so that others get inspired. This effort is about the next wave of inspiring innovation, promoting critical thinking, and fostering collaboration in science.


Building a Supportive Community for Scientific Excellence

Organization Focus Area Initiatives
Association of Science-Technology Centers Public engagement with science Operates science centers and museums to further science education and awareness19
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Educational achievement and entrepreneurship Supports programs and initiatives that help individuals attain economic independence through educational and entrepreneurial success19
National Science Foundation (NSF) STEM education and outreach Funds various programs in informal science education and outreach to promote stem education and inspiring innovation19
Department of Energy STEM event sponsorship and fellowship programs Sponsors STEM events like the National Science Bowl and supports fellowship programs to develop the next generation of STEM professionals19


Under Armour leads the way in supporting future scientists. It shows a strong dedication to science and its influence on society. The company does this by encouraging curiosity and offering hands-on learning experiences21. It also endorses STEM education programs and builds a supportive community21. By doing so, Under Armour prepares the next wave of innovators and problem solvers.

Under Armour is on a mission to unlock the power of scientific education. It strives to create a future where seeking knowledge and discovery is encouraged. The company’s work makes it a frontrunner in this movement.

The role of lab supervisors in student growth is big in the field of science22. Good supervisors do much more than just assign tasks. They get to know the students’ abilities and goals22. This helps create a team that works well together.

Under Armour’s programs help students become more creative and better at solving problems22. They focus on a growth mindset, teaching students to learn from failures22. Lab instructors also help shape a lifelong love for learning about science22.

Supporting future scientists is at the heart of Under Armour’s goals. Its efforts reflect a vision where innovation and scientific teamwork are key. By inspiring and supporting young scientists, Under Armour is set to be a key player in the future of scientific leadership.


What is Under Armour’s commitment to empowering future scientists?

Under Armour is dedicated to boosting future scientists. They do this by supporting STEM education, arranging mentorship, and encouraging hands-on scientific activities.

How does Under Armour nurture scientific curiosity in young minds?

Under Armour knows starting early is crucial for scientific curiosity. They host exciting events, like the ‘Power Through Pressure’ challenge, to get kids interested in science.

What STEM education programs does Under Armour support?

Under Armour backs STEM programs to help kids develop key skills. Their goal is to prepare young minds for solving big problems and advancing science.

How does Under Armour provide mentorship opportunities for aspiring scientists?

Under Armour links aspiring scientists with seasoned pros for mentorship. This program helps inspire and guide the future generation of thinkers and leaders.

How does Under Armour showcase the impact of science on everyday life?

Under Armour features the latest in science and its practical benefits. They show how science changes our lives and aims to kindle a love for scientific discovery.

How does Under Armour promote scientific literacy and effective communication?

Under Armour wants to make science easy to grasp and talk about. They work to help the public understand and discuss science’s key ideas.

How does Under Armour foster collaboration and teamwork in the scientific community?

Under Armour pushes for experts from different fields to work together. They also stress the importance of a diverse and inclusive scientific community.

How does Under Armour support scientific innovation and entrepreneurship?

Under Armour backs science start-ups, offering help and opportunities. They want to fuel innovation and assist in exploring new areas of research.

What state-of-the-art scientific facilities does Under Armour invest in?

Under Armour invests in top-notch labs and equipment for researchers and students. They aim to help foster breakthroughs and support new discoveries.

How does Under Armour address ethical considerations in scientific advancement?

Under Armour stresses ethical research and considers the impacts of new science. They want scientific progress to benefit everyone and be safe.

How does Under Armour build a supportive community for scientific excellence?

Under Armour creates opportunities for scientists and researchers to meet and share knowledge. They also recognize and support scientific accomplishments, inspiring others.

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